
Published on by thecrazys

While i don't believe I hold the position to judge whether or not there is a god, I do have some revealing insights.

First of all, I had been a christian all my life before my revival. I walked so closely with god I could sense his presence anywhere I went. Then god stopped coming through for me. I asked for a friend. nothing. I was so depressed I ended up in a mental hospital. Nothing.  Now i am not saying i expect god to come through for me all the time, but the relevance of his influence in my life severely dropped. Its like god just stopped working for me. Its like i grew out of a faze, like Santa Claus.

I just recently came to the revelation by watching saw that it makes much more sense to view god as jigsaw. He tests us to prove to us how strong we are. This brought me back closer to god again.. It didn't last long. It flickered out. God may be doing that, but then that would make the bible a fake. If the bible is a face, you really don't have anything to base your god off of other than cultural mythologies. Problem is, everyone wants a forgiving loving god. Even Christians claim to not create their god but they do. the god of the bible expects nothing from his people. Modernism defines god as whatever the person wants, making them more meaningless.

The existence of god is doubted by many today. I have solved the puzzle of why bad things happen with a good god, but that doesn't explain the god of the bible. The god of the bible is inconsistent, but only because people interpret him in such different ways. You spend more than five minutes in any church, (even church of Satan ) and you will get thousands of gods that different people come up with. even just talking to one person! This seems to satisfy the atheist theory that god is fabricated by the human mind to understand things that are undefined. What it doesn't solve is why it didn't evolve out of people sooner.

The next idea of a god is something like the force from George Lucas' Star Wars. It is in everything and surrounds everything. This seems to fit the quantum theories about a god. It seems to make sense that in the quantum universe, with everything being connected, the human explanation for this interconnectedness is explained as a kind of Life-Force. I like this explanation because it satisfies both theories, that god does not exist, and that god is something to explain the undefinable. These are my explanations. Believe What Thou Wilt.


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