
Published on by thecrazys

I ran across a quiz on facebook which was interesting to my mental state. each option was some random conglomeration of the reality of my mind. I find people fascinating. i think it is interesting that this person created the quiz as a "joke" and actually had some interesting insights. I test people to understand them, and give them a little piece of me to understand. they can choose to accept my gift or not. at school, pretty much everyone is afraid of me because of my reputation to be cold, heartless, homicidal, ect. which is not totally off-base. Once people get to know me they begin to like me because of my natural charm. once i have them under my spell i proceed to teach them what i believe they most need to learn. or i just mess with them. or i leave them. I like to describe my mind and decision making like an ipod which is permanently stuck on shuffle. containing music from weird al to dimmu borgir. i have no rules, which in and of itself would be a paradox, because in order to have no rules i would have to follow that rule: of having no rules. this is where my mind begins to have fun. i am tied to nothing, and often do what makes the least sense just because i have never experienced, or heard of someone doing it. i can be compassionate, empathetic, and loving. but if i let u inside my mind you find someone who is truly and completely free. my mind is more than you mortals' vat of chemicals. life is a joke, so i decided to laugh.

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